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End Of Summer Home Maintenance Tips

For all practical purposes summer is waving bye-bye. Labor Day weekend has come and gone. School is back in session and we’re all back on a schedule.

The temperature isn’t backing off quite yet but we know fall is just a turn of the calendar page. While we’re putting away the swimsuits and water shoes, it’s a good time to think about some end of summer maintenance that will make for a smooth transition into the autumn season.

Replace all your filters. While we don’t have to worry as much about it here in West Texas, summer is typically a higher humidity season. Replacing air filters in your heating/cooling system will get you ready for cooler weather when you switch from air conditioning to heat.

It’s a good time to check and change any water filters you’re using in your refrigerators and faucets, too. If you have air purifiers, change those filters as well as cleaning the filter on your vacuum.

Put away your patio furniture and accessories. Cushions for lounge chairs, pillows you use on the deck, etc, will last longer if stored for the winter. Clean them up first, make sure they are dry, then put them in plastic garbage bags before putting them into storage.

If any of your summer outdoor furniture needs repairs, now is a good time to make them. Touch up any paint, tighten up the bolts, etc. Then you can tuck them away in storage.

This one is a bit bigger task, but this is a great time to repair your driveway. If you’ve got any cracks that need to be repaired or if you have an asphalt driveway that needs to be re-sealed getting it fixed before winter is wise. Make sure you kill any weeds growing before you do the repairs.

Clean light fixtures and ceiling fans. Lights in summertime attract bugs. Inevitably, they get inside light fixtures. Using your vacuum’s extension wand, you can make quick work of cleaning out the fixtures and cleaning up the dust off your ceiling fan blades.

Do an exterior inspection of your home. While the weather is still nice, give a thought toward the days that will be colder. Clean out your gutters. Make sure all the drain spout connections are secure and directing the water away from the foundation of your home.

Look for any cracks or crevices that need to be filled with expanding foam. If any of your caulking is brittle or cracking, replace it for a tight seal.

While you’re walking around your home, look up. Do you see any trees that need trimming? If you see dead wood or branches that could break in the event of a winter storm, call a professional tree company to do a thorough trim of your trees. Not only does it keep your trees healthy but it helps reduce the risk of a branch breaking and damaging your home during a winter storm.

It’s a good time to have your heating and air conditioning system inspected and readied for winter. The professionals at Sinclair will give your system a thorough exam, following up on a summer of air conditioning and preparing your heater for a winter of excellent service.

Give us a call today and we’ll be happy to make sure you’re ready for the change of seasons. 806-749-COOL (2665)
