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Three Reasons Why My Tank Water Heater Is Not Working?


Water heater issues make up a large number of calls to our shop. Many calls center around three topics: water flow, noises and leaks. Read on to find out a little more about what might be causing your water heater problem.

Water flow issues

. Don’t you hate it when you turn on the shower only to be greeted by a pitiful, tepid trickle of water?

Several factors can contribute to restricted water flow: contaminants, faulty thermostats and an inadequately sized tank to name a few. Contaminants, usually the result of hard water build up, coat the bottom of the tank. This sediment keeps the tank from operating properly. Thermostats also contribute to water flow by maintaining the tank’s internal water temperature. If the thermostat is bad, the tank loses heat and, consequently, restricts water flow. If there’s sufficient water flow but the temperature is lukewarm, adjusting the thermostat usually takes care of the problems.

Mysterious bumps and clanks. Those loud bangs and sinister creaks are telling you a few things about your heater. Damaged or scaly heating elements are often the culprits when a loud water heater wakes you up at night. Another noise source could be the actualwater tank expanding because the water temperature is too hot. Remember your junior high science lesson: heat boils water creating steam. In turn, that steam creates pressure inside the tank which causes the metal to expand. Turning down the thermostat should stop the noise. One other thing, if your heater runs on gas, dirt near thepilot light will’pop’ each time the flame ignites. Keeping the area around your water heater should eliminate the popping danger from debris.

Never-ending leaks. Pressure relief valves often leak when they become old. Replacing them should solve the leaking issueIf the leaking water looks rusty, you might have a bigger problem. There’s really no good way to repair a rusting tank. You can try draining and flushing the tank but if it’sreached the point of leakingyou might be better off installing a brand new tank. Not what you want to hear but most certainly the safest option.

Hopefully this rundown of top water heater problems will help ease any anxiety you might be having because of them. Feel free to give us a call; we’re happy to discuss any plumbing problems you might have.
