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Should I Install A Programmable Thermostat?

Q: My heating system has a conventional thermostat. It works fine. Is it worth considering installing a programmable thermostat or should I keep my existing one?

A: Programmable thermostats allow you to adjust the temperature in your home based on specific times of day. The logic behind it is that it doesn’t make sense for your furnace to heat the home at the same temperature when you’re gone as when you are home. Being able to program different temperatures at different times of day can save energy costs.

For example, suppose during the winter months you like a temperature of 70 degrees. Monday through Friday you leave for work at 8 AM and return at 5 PM. You can program your thermostat for 65 degrees while you are away and 70 degrees when you get home.

Some programmable thermostats allow you to set weekdays at one setting and weekends at another. Others allow you to set each day differently.

The obvious benefit is you’re not generating heat when no one is home. This also reduces the work load on your heating system.

The professionals at Sinclair are happy to inspect your heating system before the cold weather arrives. We will make sure it’s operating at peak efficiency, including evaluating whether a programmable thermostat would be beneficial for you. Call Sinclair at 806-749-COOL (2665)
