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Walk Your Furnace Into Fall

Can you believe it? Fall is here.It’s a cloudy rainy day. Hopefully the 90 degree days are behind us as we look forward to cooler days and evenings that call for that favorite sweatshirt.

While you may still be running your AC for a bit during the days, it won’t be long before you’ll be flipping the switch from “cool” to “heat”. Your friends at Sinclair want you to walk your furnace into fall, ready to enjoy the season.

Before you do anything to your equipment, open your windows! Here in West Texas we are blessed with some magic weeks in the fall and spring where neither heaters or air conditioners need to be operated. Our house is quieter without the hum of condensers and blower fans and our utility bills get a needed break. Open up the windows (and screen doors if you have them) to allow the breeze to infuse fresh air into your home.

Back in our grandparents’ day, homes were naturally “fresh”. Air moved easily through because of the design and materials used. Today, modern homes are designed to be air tight. A “tight” home is an energy efficient home. Yet “tight” homes aren’t naturally free flowing when it comes to fresh air. They rely on the HVAC system to push air through the house. It’s efficient, yet it’s no substitute for a natural breeze blowing through the home.

Take a close look at your ductwork. Unless our occupation requires it, most of us don’t crawl around in our attic and basement looking at air ducts. Yet a crack or gap in your ductwork can seriously reduce the efficiency of your heating system. Your furnace can be working perfectly but if the warm air is leaking out in the attic, your system has to work harder to keep your living area warm.

Do a thorough inspection of your ductwork. Are the seals all in place? If they are taped, is the tape old and cracking? Are there any gaps or holes? If so, repair them promptly. If you have concerns that you’re unable to properly inspect, call your professional plumbing/heating company. They will let you know if there are any problems.

Change your filters. We preach it all the time. We could wear T-shirts that say, “Keep Calm & Change Your Filters!”. It’s so simple and critically important. Your filter keeps dust, debris and dirt away from the internal workings of your furnace. Not to mention the filtering of the air that flows through your home. Think of it this way…how clean do you want the air you breathe to be before it hits your lungs?

Clear a path. Once you change the filter, you want to be sure that clean air can flow freely. Don’t place furniture in front of air vents. The goal is for the air to move. Also, if you have curtains (especially floor to ceiling curtains), be sure they aren’t trapping the warm air as it leaves the vent. Use a decorative tie back to pull them to one side.

Adjust your thermostat. Remember how adjusting your thermostat slightly higher in the summer saves you money on your energy cost? The reverse is true during winter months. Set your thermostat around 67 or 68 degrees. Keeping your house a bit cooler gives you a chance to wear that favorite sweatshirt from Disneyland. And you’ll save 1-2% for every degree lower than 70.

806-749-2665 and we’ll be pleased to serve you!
