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Today’s Programmable HVAC Thermostats Do Remarkable Things

The programmable air conditioning thermostat has been around for a few years now. When they first launched, they represented a giant step forward from the days of the old mechanical thermostat.

Programmables still deliver a host of energy-saving advantages:

  • Set them to keep your home at the optimum level of heat or coolness depending on the day of the week and the time of day.
  • Program them to begin cooling your house for specific needs – just before you get home from work, for instance.
  • Custom-adjust the settings to suit a hot Lubbock summer day and a cooler evening.
  • Use “vacation” settings to save energy if you’re away from the house for several days.

Because a programmable unit better regulates the amount of heat and air that goes into your home, you’ll use less energy to get the same benefits. That means you will likely realize energy savings that cover the cost of installing a new thermostat, and then some.

The remote revolution
So how do you top the convenience of a programmable air conditioning thermostat? By controlling it remotely, of course!

In the spirit of “there’s an app for that,” manufacturers have come out with web-enabled programmable thermostats. These advanced units come with a WiFi module that connects to your home Internet. With it, you can control your thermostat from your computer, smartphone, tablet or PDA.

What’s more, the same program that controls your thermostat can show you how much energy you’re using – ideal if you’re looking for ways to trim costs.

“Anywhere” access
Your home Internet and your remote access to the web (either from a data plan or a WiFi environment) makes possible easy programming and “anywhere” decisions about your HVAC unit.

  • Feeling a little too chilly in your bedroom? Reach for the tablet at your bedside and adjust the furnace without getting out from under the covers.
  • Forget to make an adjustment after you left for work? Just take out your smartphone or tablet and open an app.
  • On the way to your vacation cabin? Set the air or heat on from the road.

Setting up
Installing a programmable air conditioning thermostat isn’t for every do-it-yourselfer. There’s some interaction with household wiring and computer software that makes this a delicate task. Your best option is to contact a trusted HVAC provider. You’ll get a home assessment to determine the kind of programmable best for you.

Then you can count on professional installation and support that will help you keep your cool for years to come.
