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Sinclair HVAC and Plumbing’s Tips For Fall

Orange fall leaves

The health of our customers is very important to us, and these upcoming months we all are worried about catching the flu. We want you to know that our service plumbers and HVAC service technicians are doing what they can control germs.

• Our technicians have bottles of antibacterial hand sanitizer in their trucks, and they use it before going into your home.

Here are some tips that might help for fall and winter months. Thanks to for the following information:

• Get out more. One theory is that social people take better care of themselves—setting enough sleep and seating well.
• Get some shut-eye. People who log less than seven hours of sleep per night are about three times more likely to catch a cold after being exposed to the rhinovirus than those who snooze eight hours or more.
• Get moving. In one study, only 30% of women age 55-plus who walked or cycled moderately for 45 minutes, five days per week came down with a cold, compared to nearly half of the women who only attended stretching sessions once a week.
• Don’t starve a cold. Your body needs energy to fight infection. If you cut back on calories, your body may not be able to mount an immune response, says Dr. Elizabeth M. Gardner, a nutritional immunology professor at Michigan State University.

Flu viruses can live 8 to 12 hours on paper or cloth, 24 to 48 on nonporous places like doorknobs and knobs and up to 72 hours on wet surfaces, like towels and faucets, says infectious disease expert Dr. J. Owen Hendley. Your best defense?
WASH YOUR HANDS, especially after touching these cold- and flu-friendly surfaces:
• ATM, elevator and photocopier buttons
• Doorknobs
• Faucets
• Gym equipment
• Shopping cart handles
• Kids’ toys
• Money
• Computer keyboards
• Remote controls

I hope that some of these suggestions will help you stay well this winter. Don’t forget that we offer indoor air purifiers that can help with catching flue viruses and allergens. Do you have any other tips or suggestions?
